Pomegranate Powder Benefits | Nutritional Info

by admin_gothkm8c

Pomegranate is a red, round, and superfood. The inner flesh of pomegranate is densely filled with crunchy, juicy edible seeds. This fruit has a lot of benefits. It supports many potential aspects of health, from immunity to brain health. It contains many nutritional and health benefits. The name pomegranate originated from a Medieval Latin that means seeded apple.  

Nutritional Information

One average pomegranate contains;

Calories  234
Protein  4.7g
Fat  3.3g
Carbohydrates  52g
Sugar  38g
Fiber  11g
Calcium  28mg
Iron  0.85mg
Magnesium  33mg
Phosphorous  102mg
Potassium  666mg
Vitamin C 28mg
Folate  107mcg

Pomegranate Powder

Pomegranate powder is pink and yellow in color and intense taste. It is a fine, highly soluble powder with a long shelf-life. It is created from dried and finely ground pomegranate seeds. It contains a prominent amount of the following phytonutrients;

  • Folate 
  • Potassium 
  • Vitamin C
  • Other antioxidants
  • Enzymes

Health benefits of Pomegranate powder

Pomegranate-born fruit-bearing shrub generally comes from Iran and Northern India. It has become popular worldwide, particularly in the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Add pomegranate to your diet for lots of benefits. 

1. Powerful antioxidants

One of the prime benefits of pomegranate powder is its powerful antioxidants. Punicalagin and Punicic acid are potent antioxidants in pomegranate powder, three times more effective than green tea and red wine. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties fight against many chronic diseases.  

2. Anti-inflammatory properties

Pomegranate powder has anti-inflammatory properties. Adding pomegranate powder to your daily diet can reduce the symptoms of inflammation, for its anti-inflammatory effect can work to reduce joint pain, swelling, and tenderness. It may help to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Quickly relieve inflammation.  

3. Quick nutritional source

Pomegranate and its powder are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. You can add this powder to your daily diet, smoothies, and juices. 

4. Boost memory

Pomegranate powder contains polyphenols that improve memory and improve cognitive functions. Pomegranate juice or its powder both have potential benefits in boosting memory. It also enhances many brain functions and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Pomegranate peel contains several antioxidants that improve the quality of brain functions. 

5. Treat skin conditions

Pomegranate powder and juice replenish your dull and dry skin and refuel your skin with vitamin C. It makes your skin hydrated and improves both texture and brightness. Peel of pomegranate is rich in polyphenols that treat hyperpigmentation. Applying a pomegranate mask or serum for one month can reduce the dark patches on your skin. You can make pomegranate powder paste to treat acne and other skin conditions. It may protect against UV damage and decrease signs of aging. Pomegranate promotes wound healing.   

6. Reduce the risk of chronic diseases

Pomegranate powder/peel may reduce many chronic diseases such as heart diseases and diabetes. It also reduces over-weight obesity improves cholesterol, and control blood sugar level. It also increases hemoglobin levels.

It also improves age-related hearing loss. Because it contains antioxidants that help protect against oxidative damage, which prevents hearing loss.

7. Anti-cancer properties

Pomegranate peel contains many antioxidants, such as polyphenols. Punicalagin is a polyphenol that acts as an anti-cancer. Pomegranate peel extract damages the cancer cells and treats prostate cancer. It also works as an anti-proliferative for breast, oral, and colon cancer, which slows down the spread of cancer cells. It may have liver-protecting properties due to its high amounts of antioxidants. 

8. Prevent plaque buildup in teeth

Pomegranate powder may prevent plaque buildup in the tooth, used as a mouth wash. A study shows that pomegranate peel extract prevents tooth decay. Pomegranate powder has strong antibacterial properties, which may help treat tooth and gum diseases. 

9. Enhance physical activity

Pomegranate can quickly boost physical activity levels and promote post-exercise recovery. Higher num of polyphenols gives high energy and beat performance. Thanks to its beneficial properties.

10. Improve sexual health

Nitric oxide is present in pomegranate powder which enhances local blood flow; nitric oxide improves the duration and strengthens the erection in males. 

How to use pomegranate peel

Pomegranate powder is available in the market, and you can also make it at home. Steps to make pomegranate powder at home,

  • Separate the peel from the fruit.
  • Place peel in direct sunlight for 2-3 days until they are completely dried.
  • Add the peels into the blender and grind them into a fine powder.
  • Store the powder in an airtight container. 

You can make a face mask of pomegranate powder by combining it with enough water. But always do a patch test before applying it on the entire face. 

Ways to use pomegranate powder

  • Add pomegranate powder to your smoothies.
  • Mix pomegranate powder into your water bottles.
  • Sprinkle pomegranate powder on your salad bowl.
  • You can also make a pomegranate powder tea (Add 1-2 tbsp of pomegranate powder into one glass of water, then heat/boil it and drink as a tea when it cools down) 


  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-proven-benefits-of-pomegranate
  • https://carringtonfarms.com/blog/key-health-benefits-of-pomegranate-powder-372730/
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/pomegranate-peel
  • https://www.royalfruits.com.au/pomegranate-powder-benefits/

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