Breast Reduction Scars

by admin_gothkm8c
Breast reduction, like breast enhancement, involves an incision in the skin. Your priority is to find a high-quality and board-certified surgeon experienced with breast reduction and minimal scarring. The location of your scars will ultimately depend on the surgical technique used during your breast reduction procedure. In a vertical breast reduction, your spots will resemble a lollipop shape, following the round outline of your areola and extending downward in a single line. The wise pattern technique is similar but with a bar hidden in a crease underneath the breast. The appearance of breast reduction scars varies based on each patient’s ability to heal and factors like their skin tone, the technique used, and their dedication to post-op wound care. Fortunately, your scars should gradually fade with time. Over the first year, they should become less noticeable, reducing to thin, flat lines that can typically be well-concealed beneath a bra or bikini top. 

Different Techniques leaves different Scars:

Like any surgery, breast reduction leads to scarring. However, the extent of the scarring partly depends on the types of techniques used. It boils down to shorter scars versus more prominent spots. 

Shorter-Scars technique:

The shorter-scar technique in breast reduction surgery consists of smaller incisions. This method is used for people who experience sagging and want a minimal-to-moderate reduction in breast size. People in this category will usually go down a cup size. Shorter scar techniques are not as effective for more considerable breast reductions. It is also called the “lollipop” breast reduction technique, including two incisions. The first incision is around the areola, and the other is made from the bottom of the areola down towards the underlying breast crease. Once the incisions have been made, your surgeon will remove tissues, fat and excess skin before reshaping the breast because the incisions are small, so scars are also small. 

Larger Scar technique:

As their name suggests, extensive scar techniques involve more incisions and subsequent large areas of scarring. The process involves three incisions;
  1. The First incision is between the areola and crease under the breast.
  2. Another one is around the areola.
  3. One final incision horizontally beneath the breast. 
This procedure seems more extensive; the large-scar technique only involves one additional incision underneath the breast.  

Permanent Breast Reduction Scars:

Any procedure that involves surgical incisions will lead to some degree of scar tissue, which does not entirely disappear. However, the appearance of breast reduction scars should gradually lighten in color and become flatter and softer. You can expect your spots to become less noticeable with time, primarily if you practice good wound care after your reduction surgery. 

How to minimize Breast Reduction Scars?

You cannot prevent scars from occurring after breast reduction surgery; there are some best practices you can adopt to minimize their appearance, such as;
  • Try to limit weight gain after recovery, leading to scar widening.
  • Refrain from smoking and other tobacco products since these can impede healing.
  • Reduce stress as much as possible, negatively impacting your healing ability.
  • Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays from tanning beds, which can cause scars to darken.
  • Follow proper wound care instructions to minimize the risk of infection. 
Most importantly, you should follow all post-operative instructions from your surgeon to ensure you are taking optimal care of your incision. It includes attending follow-up appointments that allow your surgeon to monitor your healing. 

Minimization of scar appearance:

If your injury requires stitches, follow your doctor’s advice on caring for the wound and when to get the site removed. Whether caused by damage, acne, surge spots disease, scars can serve as unwanted reminders of past trauma. Most scars fade with time, but some wounds are more stubborn, and they don’t cause pain or any health problem. They can contribute to significant emotional stress depending on their location. 

1. Silicone sheets:

Silicon sheets come in the form of bandages that have silicone in them. The idea is to hydrate the area of scarring to help make the skin more flexible. It may help reduce pain, itching and other discomfort. 

2. Scar gels:

A scar gel Mederma may be used for fresh or old scars to help reduce scar appearance. Over time, a scar may fade in colour and shrink in size. Doctors may recommend that use scar gel as soon as the incision heals. 

3. Act early after an injury:

The earlier you act, the better you treat a wound, the less likely you are to experience severe scarring. Dermatologists recommend keeping the damaged clean (with mild soap and water) and hydrated (petroleum jelly can help here), covering it with an adhesive bandage to maintain cleanliness and moisture. Change the application, clean the wound at least once a day, and protect it with direct sunlight. Following these steps leads to; 
  • Wound protection from infection
  • Aid in the body’s natural healing process
  • Minimize scar tissues

4. Fractionated laser:

Long after your scars have healed, fractionated laser may be an option if they are overly dark or thick. This treatment consists of a microscopic laser that can treat large areas of skin at once. They also target both upper and middle layers of skin, ensuring deeper scar removal. You may need multiple treatments spaced out every other month. 4-5 treatments are necessary to achieve the desired results. 

5. Sunscreen:

It is essential to wear sunscreen every day. UV rays can darken the newly scars that are created after surgery. It will make the wounds darker than the rest of your skin. Try out;
  • Neutrogena’s Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen
  • Vanicream Sunscreen

6. Scar Massage:

After breast reduction surgery, you may want to try gentle massage. By lightly massaging the scar with your fingertips, going horizontally, vertically, and in circles, you can help prevent collagen buildup that leads to a raised spot and keep the tissue flexible and soft. Scar massage after reduction surgery should only be performed after the initial healing period; it is typically recommended after two weeks of surgery. Suppose you are not happy with the appearance of your breast reduction scars after they have had a chance to heal fully. In that case, Dr Zemmel may recommend non-surgical treatments, such as laser scar removal, to lighten them and minimize their overall appearance. 

7. Vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E oil and alpha-tocopherol is fats-soluble vitamin available in foods and supplements. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties and protects your cells from damage caused by free radicals. It supports immune health. Make sure your diet is plentiful in good food sources of vitamin E to ensure proper healing of scars.

8. Other methods of scar removal:

The other ways of scar removal are through specific surgical procedures. Cosmetic surgeons may perform these. One method of scar removal is Punch Grafting. This procedure is primarily used for intense scars that are small in size but maybe numerous and cover a large area. This method plugs the skin from another body area into the removed spot. The result is a smoother and slighter scar. Punch grafting requires one week for healing.Other methods include;
  • Chemical peels
  • Laser therapy
  • Tissue expansion
  • Topical bleaching medications 

Risk Factors:

Untreated breast reduction scars may become more noticeable over time. Scarring may also worsen by;
  • Smoking 
  • Tanning
  • Excessive scrubbing
  • Itching
Possible breast reduction surgery include;
  • Anesthesia risk
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Breast asymmetry 
  • Breast contour and shape irregularities
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation may be temporary or permanent
  • Damage to deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles, etc.
  • Excessive firmness of the breast
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
  • Fat necrosis
  • Infection 
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Pain (persistent)
  • Poor wound healing
  • Inability to breastfeed
  • Potential loss of skin/tissue of the breast 
  • Skin discolouration
  • Unfavourable scarring


  • breast reduction scars

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