Liver Diseases, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention

by admin_gothkm8c
Liver perform several crucial functions:
  • Filter toxins from blood
  • Metabolize drugs
  • Store energy
  • Fight infections
  • Help with digestion and many more.
It has an ability to repair and regenerate itself.

Stages of Liver Disease:

Causes and type of liver disease vary with the progression of disease. Liver disease generally broken down in 5 stages from minor to severe.
  1. Inflammation ( In this early stage, liver enlarged or inflamed)
  2. Fibrosis ( In inflamed liver, scar tissue begins to replace healthy tissues)
  3. Cirrhosis ( Severe scarring has built up, making it difficult for liver to function properly)
  4. End-stage of liver disease ( Here the liver damage cannot be reversed other than a liver transplant)
  5. Liver cancer ( Development and multiplication of unhealthy cells in liver)


Adults with excessive fat in the liver, which can leads to more serious Liver Disease.

5.5 Million:

Approximate number of Americans living with  Chronic Liver Disease.

3 times:

Liver cancer incidence has more than tripled since 1980. About 30,000americans die from liver cancer each year.

4.4. Million:

Approximate number of Americans living with hepatitis B or C. most don’t even know that they are effected.

Causes of Liver Diseases:

Common causes of liver diseases;
  • Genetics
  • Auto-immune system disease
  • Obesity
  • Poor diet/lifestyle
  • Certain drugs and medications
  • Viral infections such as hepatitis B and C
  • Alcohol abuses
  • Reactions of herbal supplements

Symptoms of Liver Disease:

There are number of symptoms which vary in different person. Some are following;
  • Felling unwell
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepy
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal swelling and pain
  • Yellowing of skin and eyes
  • Felling confused
  • Loss of appetite
  • Easy bleeding
  • Buildup of fluid in your legs, arms and abdomen
  • Darkening urine
  • Severe itching

Diagnosis of Liver Disease:

For diagnosis, perform additional tests,
  • Liver Blood Test
  • Other Blood Test
  • Imaging Test
  • Biopsy


Prevent liver failure by changing lifestyle that keep your liver happy and healthy. Some guidelines are;
  • Maintain healthy weight
  • Regular exercise
  • Drink alcohol in moderation
  • Take medicines when needed
  • Don’t mix medications without consulting doctor
  • Get vaccination of hepatitis B and C

Diet for Liver Disease:

Foods that are good for liver:
  • Coffee to help lower abnormal liver enzymes
  • Greens to prevent fat buildup
  • Beans and soy to reduce risk of NAFLD
  • Fish to reduce inflammation and fat level
  • Oatmeal for fiber
  • Nuts to help reduce inflammation
  • Turmeric to reduce markers of liver damage
  • Sunflower seeds for anti-oxidants
  • Increase unsaturated fat intake
  • Garlic to improve overall health

Foods that avoid in liver disease:

  • Alcohol
  • Added sugar
  • Fried foods
  • Added salt
  • White bread
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Red meat

Guidelines for Healthy Liver:

Best ways to fight against liver diseases. True ways to achieve liver wellness;
  1. Maintain a healthy weight
  2. Eat a balance diet
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Avoid toxins
  5. Use alcohol responsibly
  6. Avoid the use of drugs
  7. Avoid contaminated needles
  8. Get medical care if you are exposed to blood
  9. Don’t share personal hygiene items
  10. Practice safe sex
  11. Wash your hands
  12. Follow directions on all medications
  13. Get vaccinated

Healthy Lifestyle:

Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise help the liver to work well. Eating and unhealthy diet lead to liver disease.

Limit the Amount of Alcohol you Drink:

Alcohol can damage or destroy liver cells. Talk to your doctor about what amount of alcohol is good for you.

Avoid Breathing In or Touching Toxins:

Limit direct contact with toxins from cleaning or aerosol products, insecticides, chemicals and additives in cigarettes.

Manage Your Medications

Follow dosing instructions and talk to a doctor or pharmacist often about the medicines you are talking.

Diet Plan for Cirrhosis Patients:

Pre-Breakfast 1 glass of lukewarm water
Breakfast. (7-8AM) 1scrambled egg 2 multigrain toasted bread 1 cup of tea
Snack # 01(10-11AM) 1 cup coconut water
Lunch (1-2PM) 1 cup parboiled rice 1 cup dal 1 cup mix vegies salad
Snack# 02 ( 4-5 PM) 1 cup lukewarm skim milk 2 whole grain biscuits
Dinner ( 7-8PM) 1 cup chicken and vegetable curry 1 ½ chapatti 1 cucumber

Diet Plan for Fatty Liver Disease:

Pre-breakfast 1 glass lukewarm water
Breakfast (7-8AM) 2 slice of brown bread 1 cheesy Omelette 1 cup of tea
Snack#01 (10-11AM) 1 portion of seasonal fruit ( include different colored fruits. Don’t stick with particular one)
Lunch (1-2PM) 1 cup vegetable pulao rice ½ cup soya chunk curry ½ cup low fat curd
Snack#02 (4-5PM) 1 cup light tea 2 wheat rusk
Dinner (7-8PM) 1 chapatti 1 cup kidney beans curry ½ cup salad

Do’s and don’ts:


  • Eat whole grain cereals
  • Include salad with meals
  • Eat fruits between main meals
  • Include fresh Garlic and Ginger for gravy


  • More oil for food preparations
  • Fast foods
  • Sweets, pastries and backed foods
  • Meat and meat products
  • Alcohol and alcoholic beverages

Food items that you can easily consume:

  • Cereal: Brown rice, whole wheat, oats, bajra
  • Pulses: Red gram, green gram, black gram
  • Vegetables: all gourds-bitter gourd, snake gourd, ladies finger, green leafy vegetables
  • Fruits: citrus fruits- orange, grapefruit, lemon, berries, papaya, pineapple, guava
  • Milk and milk products: low fat milk and low fat curd
  • Meat, fish and egg: chicken, egg white, fish like salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, mackerel
  • Oil: 2 tsp (10ml)
  • Sugar: 2 tsp (10gram)
  • Other beverages: green tea

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